World-class Operations Management

Masterclass Overview:

During this masterclass, you will learn our potent system for advanced operations and performance management: Individual, team and organisational performance are covered. With case studies and examples, you will learn how to build operations and performance management systems that you can implement immediately. Formulated in the engine rooms of industry – on shop floors and in board rooms, our performance strategy comes from years of experience working with people who are the backbone of the business – workers, team leaders and managers. Jargon-free, we will show you a practical, tried and tested pathway to measurable, definable performance improvement. The ‘Back to basics’ formula presented in this course works in product, service, or public sector environments in small and large organisations within divisions and across companies and locations.

Why you must attend this masterclass:

Today’s competitive business landscape requires organisations to leverage their people and teams to achieve their goals. This masterclass provides delegates with the necessary knowledge and skills to unlock their organisation’s true potential. By attending, you will gain a deep understanding of operations and performance management to effectively drive continuous improvement and excellence. You will learn to establish a unified sense of direction, select and implement the right KPIs, monitor performance effectively, and drive continuous improvement. Don’t miss out on this opportunity – join us and propel your success by mastering the art of operations and performance management.

Some results our clients achieved from published client case studies are:

  • Man-hours per Unit down by 23.5%
  • Unified sense of direction amongst team leaders up 14.4%
  • Time customers of supply 241% improvement
  • 30% improvement in sick leave
  • Time lost due to accidents 322 to 33 days
  • Time lost due to industrial disputes down from 250 to 15 days
  • Dividends paid to owners increased by $130 million over a 5-year period
  • Operating expenditure reduces by 23% over a 5-year period
  • 97% of stakeholder responses indicated a high level of stakeholder satisfaction
  • Job Satisfaction up by 75%

Top Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to develop Strategic and Operational plans that lay the foundation for operational excellence
  • Discover systems theory and how productivity and performance improvements are achieved
  • Understand a three-step process for accepting responsibility and fixing blame fixing
  • Learn how to identify stakeholders, optimise total stakeholder satisfaction and achieve role clarity
  • Understand how to define outputs or results, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or measures and their significance in measuring organisational success
  • Discover techniques for setting realistic and achievable performance targets and developing a balanced scorecard and an accountability matrix
  • Develop a strategic and operational framework for effective performance monitoring and evaluation
  • Learn how to align planning, performance measurement, performance management, and all ten essential systems for team performance
  • You will know how to implement a performance-linked learning system
  • Understand how to optimise your organisational structure

Who Should Attend?

This course is specially designed for professionals who are involved and manages operation, operational process and for those who want to acquire operational excellence for their organization:

  • Operations Managers
  • General Managers
  • Managers, Team Leaders, Supervisors
  • CEO, COO, SVP’s, VP’s
  • Finance Managers
  • HR Managers
  • Business Managers
  • Sales Managers
  • Marketing Managers
  • Maintenance Managers
  • Engineering Managers
  • Head of Departments

Trainer's Background

An internationally known organisation development consultant specialising in improving performance in a variety of organisations. He has held a strong commitment to the quality and productivity field for over 30 years. His particular interest and expertise lie in improving bottom-line performance in medium to large organisations in both the public and private sectors. Examples are: Globally listed companies, Governments, the Military, and medium to small organisations from a wide variety of industries. He has worked in Singapore for over 15 years as well as over 25 other countries. He is the author of eleven books on strategic planning, performance measurement and management, and organisational effectiveness. His large clients include, Mobil, BHP, ABB, Coca Cola, Toll, and Willis Towers Watson.

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“The trainer really resonated with the audience both in terms of content, which was first class, and also his ability to connect with them. He rated an average of 9.5/10 which is exceptional. So attendees walked away having received good value.”

– Andrew Dalziel, High Growth Business Group


“The trainer is passionate about business improvement using teams. Through his workshops he ensures there is a consistent and unified sense of direction at all a level within the organization. He also ensures the team goals are aligned both horizontally and vertically. He is unique in his ability to work at all levels of the organization, but some of his best results are at the grass root levels where the actual work gets done and where the biggest productivity gains can often be found. The trainer is a change agent, and his systemic approach ensures changes are embedded in the organization and have long lasting and positive effects.”

– John Hall, Managing Director, Ricoh


“Many consultants are proficient in their field and able to communicate and transfer knowledge at a management level. However, few are also able to connect with employees at factory floor level and transfer knowledge in the way that this trainer is able to do. I been consistently surprised at how he is able to effectively engage the employees and help them to transform themselves into effective high-performance teams. I can recommend this trainer to any business serious about creating a competitive edge through the development of high- performance teams.”

– Duncan Fraser General Manager Boral